Helsinki Ruby ry is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote Ruby and software engineering in general in Helsinki and Finland and beyond. We aim to put together events that aren’t available through commercial channels and to increase diversity and representation in tech.
In 2022 we organised Euruko, a hybrid conference of around 700 attendees in Helsinki (and another couple of hundred more joined us virtually). In 2023 we organised the Oh the Humanity! conference. OH!2023 was a single track conference for people who are interested in helping humanity thrive by supporting the well-being, information sharing and democracy in software development and design.
This year we’re keeping the Helsinki Ruby Brigade meet-ups going and looking for new ways to support the Ruby community in Finland.
We aim to keep all our events either completely free of charge or when that isn’t possible we aim to keep the ticket costs as low as possible to enable as wide a range of people to attend as possible. Ticket fees help cover the costs of the event and our overhead costs (for example accounting and hosting costs).
If you’d like to help out with our efforts, please join our numbers!
The organisation by-laws are available online, though only in Finnish.